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Little Diary — Fashion

Hotdog vs Highstreet: Why our Hats are Worth Investing in

Reasons why you should invest in a Little Hotdog Watson hat


Fashion Bytes with...Erna Leon

Fashionbytes is our monthly interview with a parent whose style we love!! I first met Erna briefly at a Mothers Meeting, the next time I saw her she was dressed in a backless jumpsuit, at a party for the Outnet laughing ferociously. I knew we we were going to be friends straight away. She's the mama of two with the most stylish instagram account in town. So we quizzed her on all her fashion faves...    Hello Erna, tell us a bit about yourself… I am Armenian born in Georgia, New Yorker turned Londoner and a mother-in-chief of two little...


Fashion Bytes with...Andy Clifton

WELCOME to the first in the series of Fashionbytes. Each week we are going to be catching up with a stylish parent and asking them how on earth they do it!! First up is Andy from the stylish blog Dad & Co                                               Hello Andy, tell us a bit about yourself… I'm 35, live in Surbiton and a stay at home dad for my wonderful kids - Lily (3 years old) and son Robin 1 (years old). I used to...


What's in a name?

What’s In A Name? One of the questions I am repeatedly asked since starting Little Hotdog Watson is regarding the origin/reasoning behind the name. In response I have condensed what was actually a very considered process to a bit of a rambly soundbite. Names are personal, evocative, draw on our emotions and intentionally and intentionally create labels. Last week Gap has been criticised for it’s use of names and association with gender stereotyping. I decided it was time to talk about why I picked the name Little Hotdog Watson and why I think names are very important for our children. In...


How to...create a trend 'Lollipop Jungle'

Hello and welcome to the first in our series of How to….

Our first How to is all about Trends.


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