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Love Month Challenge Week Four: Love Your Friends

It's our fourth and final of Love Month, and we can't believe how quickly this month has flown by. And we've loved every minute! Thank you so much to all who have shared your little ones taking on our challenges and activities, it's been amazing. We've been dancing, hugging trees, listening and most importantly loving!

This week we're looking at ways to show love to our friends. Friendships are important for everyone, and our friends can become like family to us. So it's important to nurture and appreciate those connections. As adults, we often forget to take a moment to tell the people in our lives how much we love them. Our lives are so busy, but if you take a moment to reach out to a friend, it can be more appreciated than you realise. 

Teaching little ones the importance of friendship and showing them love can help them forge meaningful relationships with people, and these are skills that can aid us into adulthood. Maintaining and valuing friendship will always be a great skill to have.

If you've missed out on the past few weeks, why not download the full Love Month guide here. These are all just suggestions and some ideas to enjoy time with the little ones in our life: there's no deadline! So take what makes sense for you and your loved ones, and change it up a bit if you want to.

Follow along with us for more fun on Instagram and Facebook! Please keep tagging us in all your fun and adventure, we love to see what you're up to and your little ones in their LHW hats!

Image via OhHappyDay.Com

Wednesday: Prep Day!

For day one, prep for the week ahead and get together all your bits and bobs you might need. Have a chat about how you might show your friends you love them, and why it's important to love your friends. You could tell your little ones about your own friends, and why you love them.

Bits and Bobs for Week 1

  • Paper and pens
  • Your favourite book
  • A bedsheet to make a den
  • Lego to build a tower  

Kick off week four with a simple act of kindness! Draw a picture, or write a note to give to a friend. Showing someone you love them doesn't need to include big gifts or anything fancy, it can be so simple. Your little one could draw them and their friend together, or something their friend loves like their favourite animal or toy. A small token of love like this can be remembered for years to come!

Image via OhHappyDay.Com

Smile and the world smiles with you! Put on your biggest smile today and smile at everyone you meet. Not only will this naturally boost your mood, it could bring joy to someone who might need it that day. It may also result in a new friend: smiling at a new friend in the playground, or smiling at a neighbour you haven't chatted to before! 

Little Hotdog Watson Baseball Cap in Multi Colour

You must be having a laugh! Laughing is a known way to de-stress and let's be honest, it's one of the best parts of life. Whether you like to guffaw, chuckle, or enjoy a little titter, there's nothing better than enjoying a laugh with pals. So why not have a laugh off? See if you can make someone else laugh, and see who can do the biggest and best laugh. Laugh until your cheeks hurt! You could also try to be super serious, and try your best to make the other person laugh. Who can last longest? 

Take your favourite book outside and read to each other! Sharing something you love with someone you love is a great way to bond, and can teach you a lot about each other. Why is that book their favourite? You can carry on the fun from yesterday and have a good laugh with each other reading something funny to each other, or reading in a silly voice!

Going out and about? Don't forget your hat! We have hats for all seasons, to keep you doing what you do best: having fun! Check out our full range of cool kids hats for children and adults here!

Teamwork makes the dream work, as the old saying goes! Creating something together and using teamwork teaches not only how to work in a team, but the joys of collaboration. Everyone has different skills and strengths, and it's great to be able to notice it in our friends. You could try something like building the highest Lego tower you can, or why not get an old bedsheet and create a den? This could be combined with Sundays activity, and you could use your den as a reading area!


At the beginning of the week, we did an act of kindness for a friend. But why not join forces and do something kind together for someone else? It could be something nice for their favourite grown up, like picking a flower to give them or drawing a picture. You could also use your phone to record a video message full of love to send to a grandparent or anyone that would love to have it. 

If you've been following Love Month, have a chat at the end of the month with your little one about what you've done. What was their favourite activity, and was there anything that you might incorporate into your everyday life?

We hope you've enjoyed this month as much as we have, and we hope you join us for more fun and adventure again!

Want more ideas for fun activities for kids, news and updates on our latest products? Why not sign up for our newsletter!

Emma Watson, Owner, Little Hotdog Watson

After growing up in the North-west of England, Emma’s love of travel and style saw her career move to London with a fashion + business degree,  first working as a trend researcher then menswear buyer for some of the most famous stores in the UK. 


In 2015, having had her first baby she moved to Norwich to explore a family life closer to beaches and the countryside. Becoming a parent she found herself in a world of kidswear that didn’t look good or perform for the type of fresh air fun as a family so she set about creating her own brand. Little Hotdog Watson was born in 2016. The summer and winter hats for kids and adults, jam-packed with innovative protective technology have gone on to win awards, grace the pages of magazines, like Vogue, Grazia, Independent, Mother and Baby and celebrities alike. 


Emma had another daughter in 2019 and became a lecturer in Fashion and Business at Norwich University of the Arts.  She continues to design hats at her dining room table and share her passion to help families get outside more and explore the world. Here is one of her favourite outside blogs; 15 games adults will love playing with kids


Email her anytime at; or find her on Instagram.


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