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Share Your Day

In March and April 2020 24 mums from around the world shared their family day in lockdown for a series on Little Hotdog Watson instagram.. What followed was an honest and open series lifting the lid on how families were adapting to lockdown. The aim was to shatter the preconceptions on social media that there is a ‘perfect’ way to spend lockdown and instead acknowledging everyone’s day are different. The mums changed the social media narrative to create a sense of inclusion and community.

In filming their days they also shared how filming had given them a chance to see the lockdown differently and feel differently about how they were spending their days.

The stories were honest, moving, funny and beautiful. No gloss, no filter needed. From talking about the emotional side of looking after the children to dealing with work and lack of work pressures. We saw a family share how lockdown and given them more time to spend supporting their son through his rehabilitation post surgery and how he has flourished as a result of lockdown to lots of temper tantrums and giggles.

From the series comes this short two minute film. Capturing an insight into each day the similarities and differences in the stories. You can watch the film here.

Below some of the mums share their thoughts about filming and life in lockdown...


“It was great to share a realistic day with others and to see how other families are spending their days with honesty. There is so much pressure from the media to have this ‘perfect’ life and to homeschool with such ease but in reality that just not how it goes! Lockdowns has had so many emotions associated with it and honestly surprisingly a lot of them good. We’ve engaged as a family, had proper conversations, taken time to just be instead of rushing around but there also been many lows. Struggling to have alone time and a break from the constant questions or requests from my son, trying to get him to learn when I have zero experience of teaching nor the patience. The biggest realisation to come out of this though is to do what you feel is best for your family and not succumb to the pressure from outer influence.”

Tara on filming

“It’s been a release from the day to day”


“All jokes aside, I’m quite happy with the ways things are going. Together we seem to be making the most of the situation. We work well as a team. Also I’m touched by the way our country is standing up and sticking together (1.5m apart!!)"


“Even though I can’t work right now, it’s important to me to stay clued up on the industry and feel connected.”


“We’re all driving each other potty!”


“Hugs on the sofa is one of my favourite parts of the day. Our emotions are all near the surface so a little cry is a regular thing in this house.”

Esther, after watching her day back

“I can’t believe how much we actually do in a day. It has made me feel really good”

Sara, on why she chose to speak on camera for the first time after seeing other days.

“I like them because they are so candid, I decided that I would do it too and get out of my comfort zone and I really enjoyed it”


“I just think how lucky we are to have this time together because we would never have had this otherwise.”

Thank you to all the mums and families who took part and shared so openly:




Britta - eshlydelibox



Emma - littlehotdogwatson



Helen - the_identities_of_me

Liz  - lizbarber_



Lucy - bundlebeds


Monique - thedoudoods



Rebecca - wishesandwellies


Steph - stephloveshoney




Edited by - sophie.b.creative

Author: Emma Watson is the owner of Little Hotdog Watson

Little Hotdog Watson is a kidswear brand with a difference. We make kids hats unlike any other by combining style + innovation. Our sun hats offer triple protection from UV, Mosquitoes and Overheating, while our winter hats are water resistant, reflective and extra cosy. Take a look at our hats here.

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