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HOTDOG HOW-TOS: How to Keep The Kids Active This Half Term

Want this half-term to be extra fun? Here are 8 ideas to keep them active that you’ll enjoy too:


Play Prompts Kids Gardening Activity from Play Hooray as featured on Little Hotdog Watson

For those who haven’t been introduced yet – get yourself acquainted with the fabulous Claire at PlayHOORAY! Claire is an early year’s specialist, mum, and play genius! Her range of playPROMPTS will give you hundreds of ideas to keep them active indoors and out.


Invest in a hula hoop

Child hula hooping in Muddy Puddles outfit as featured on Little Hotdog Watson

image @muddypuddles

Let’s face it, who can resist having a go if there’s a hula hoop on offer! Get them out in the garden or if you’ve got space then brave an indoor hula-off for guaranteed wiggles and giggles. 

You can use your hoop for loads of other active games too. Encourage them to jump in and out of it, use it as a target for bean bags, or make it the door for a den.


Have a rave

Children dancing at Big Fish Little Fish as featured on Little Hotdog Watson

Kids love to dance and unlike most of us grown-ups, they’re inhibitions free! Crank up the music at home or head out to one of the fun child-friendly rave events which are now held up and down the country. ‘Big Fish Little Fish’ events are being held throughout Feb. Find out if they’ve got one on near you here.

Have some wheelie good fun

Kids playing on Banwood bikes as featured on Little Hotdog Watson

image: Banwood Bikes

Cycling is so great for kids – whether they’re waddling with a balance bike or off at super speed. It’s fast, it’s fun, and it gives them a sense of freedom as they breathe in fresh air! Plus, it can make simple town trips more fun for them (ok, probably slower for you…) 

Go for a puddle walk

Kid on a puddle walk image by Rosie Gibbon as featured on Little Hotdog Watson

image: @floragibson

We all want our children to get outdoors more and yet the weather can often be a barrier… Don’t let that stop you this half-term! Next time it rains, put on your anoraks and go for a puddle walk – watch the joy on their faces as they’re allowed to get wet and make a splash!

Organise a family kick about

Kids playing football wearing clothes from Alex and Alexa as featured on Little Hotdog Watson

image: AlexandAlexa

This is a great one for kids of all ages! Find a nice grassy open space and let them run wild with a ball. Football is a brilliant aerobic workout for children (and parents!) and provides a fun competitive element for older kids who need a healthy, safe way to work out sibling tensions.

Slow things down with yoga

Yoga with children image from Future_Yogi as featured on Little Hotdog Watson

image: @future_yogi

When you want to engage them with some physical activity but don’t want them bouncing off the walls, try yoga. If you don’t happen to be a yoga pro yourself, there are loads of resources on Pinterest to help you encourage different child-friendly stretches.

Practice your silly walks

Kid wearing Little Hotdog Watson Arctic Cub hat in banana split print from Little Hotdog Watson

image: @biorpink of Arctic Cub Bananasplit Hat

Take it in turns and challenge your child to come up with new and funny ways to travel about – see if you can copy them. Leave your dignity at the garden/park gate and have fun! If that gets old, get racing. Run, hop, crab walk, cartwheel see who’s the fastest.

How are you helping them burn off energy this half term?


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