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Doers and Dreamers....Sarah Lovell



 Sarah tell us a bit about yourself? (and your business)

 Hi, I'm Sarah, artist, illustrator and owner of my business 'Sarah Lovell Art'. I  design hand illustrated greetings cards, prints and  colouring books. I am  inspired  by wildlife, my children and the magic in the air all around us, which  I try to capture in my designs. I believe in unicorns.










What was the driving force to set up Sarah Lovell Art?

I have loved to draw and paint for as long as I can remember, I studied art to degree level and have always created art for pleasure. After having my second (of three) children I stopped work as a primary school teacher and designed my first 9 cards, which were stocked first of all in my local bookshop. It was such an exciting moment for me, and the beginning of 'Sarah Lovell Art'. The main driving forces are a being able to do what I love, drawing and painting make me so happy! And inspiring my children to show them they should follow their dreams. I am determined to make it a big success!

What’s your workspace like?

My workspace is my kitchen table, which is a very nice table. I do dream of a studio one day!

Tell us about a typical day?

A typical day...well, I have three young children (7,5 and 2) so my main part of the day is looking after them, which I love, it's busy and never two days are the same, they inspire me a lot. Most of my designing, packing orders and emailing is done in the evenings when they are asleep!


How did you launch?

My launch has been a gradual process. I know how to draw, but the business side of things has been a big learning curve! I did my first two trade shows this year, so that has felt like a 'launch' and has secured me a number of new stockists across the UK.

What’s your favourite online resource (app/tool) that is indispensable for work?

My favourite on line tool has got to be Instagram. It's very visual, which I love. I find it a great source of inspiration and a good way to find new stockists to contact. 

How do you manage family and work life balance?

It's tough juggling being a Mummy and running 'Sarah Lovell Art'. As I mentioned earlier, most of the business side of things happens when my children are asleep. Although they do know about what I do, they have been to visit me at fairs and sometimes help me pack and post orders. I hope I am inspiring them along the way. I also try to exercise each day. I have lately started doing yoga every morning and I love running. I find especially the yoga puts me a a good place for the rest of the day!


What have you found most surprising since setting up your business? 

Since starting my business, I have found that I am starting to enjoy the business side of things. The drawing will always be my first love, but the excitement of getting an order, no matter how big or small never goes away! 


On the tough days how do you self motivate?

On tough days, having three small children is great, as they don't care if I haven't had any replies from all the emails I've sent that day. They keep me grounded. I also find looking through Instagram helps, it seemed to have my back the other day, I was looking through after having a really tough day and it seemed to be full of motivational quotes. I even commented on a couple and people are so supportive, even though I had never met them, they were so encouraging, it was lovely! 

What’s been your  business highlight so far?

My business highlight was getting selected to exhibit in the 'Spotted' section of Top Drawer, London in January this year. It was my first trade show and a great experience.

What have you got planned next? 

Alongside my cards, prints and colouring books, I am working on a children's story book. Really excited  about it. I am about half way through the pictures, but hopefully will have it done by Christmas. 


And finally….what’s your top tip for anyone thinking of starting their own business?

I would say, if you love it, others will see that and love it too. Don't give up.


To find out more about Sarah please visit

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